A Siamese should be purchased only from a reputable breeder.

Do not be tempted to buy from a pet store as no breeder who cares about their kittens will sell through a third party. Most kittens offered for sale in pet stores come from large-scale commercial breeding operations, also known as “mills.”

If possible, you should visit the breeder’s home to see the conditions in which the kittens are raised. While breeders differ in their methods, the environment should be clean, uncrowded and relatively odorless. The kittens and other cats in the house should appear healthy and active. Check to make sure that the eyes, ears and noses are clear.

A reputable breeder will supply health and vaccine records for the kitten and should offer some kind of a written health guarantee.

Reputable breeders work to improve type and health within their chosen breed and are active in exhibiting their cats at shows. This makes a cat show a great place to see cats and kittens and meet their breeders. Although you will often find kittens offered for sale at cat shows, not all breeders like to sell kittens from a show hall. They prefer to make initial contact with potential buyers at the show and arrange for a home visit at a later time.

On the other hand, breeders who live in more remote areas might find that selling at shows is the best chance to find homes for their kittens. If you are considering purchasing a kitten at a show, remember to take your time and look around. Make sure that the kitten is right for you and your lifestyle and not just the only kitten for sale at the show. A good breeder will not pressure you to take the kitten. They want to be sure that the kitten is right for you and is not an impulse buy. For a list of upcoming CFA shows, click here.

A good breeder cares about the kittens they raise and will screen you, as a potential buyer, to determine which of their kittens, if any, would be best suited to your personal situation. You should expect to be asked questions about you, your family, other pets (past and present) and your lifestyle. You might also be questioned about your expectations in a kitten’s personality as there can be a variety of temperaments within the breed -- or even within a litter. An outgoing, fearless and extremely playful kitten will thrive in a home with an active family while another person might prefer the quiet, slightly timid kitten who wants nothing more than to be the centre of one person’s life and who will bond to that one special person with all their heart.

Siamese are extremely social cats who crave companionship from you and/or other animals. Most do not do well if left alone for long periods of time. If you don’t have another cat (or dog) in residence, consider getting two kittens to keep each other company. Two cats are really not much more work than one and you will be rewarded

Prices for a pet-quality Siamese will vary based on geographic location and
individual kitten's bloodlines and type. Kittens designated as “pet quality” may have some minor flaw that makes them unsuitable for showing or breeding although often the difference between pet and show quality is not always apparent to the untrained eye. Although breeders will usually keep their best kittens to breed or show, they are often quite happy to sell a kitten to be shown in the class for neutered cats provided that the kitten does not have any major or disqualifying faults.

Most breeders will make kittens available between twelve and sixteen weeks of age. After twelve weeks, the kittens have had their basic vaccinations and have developed the physical and emotional stability needed for adapting to a new home. These days some breeders are taking advantage of early neuter/spay practices and will have already altered their pet kittens before they are offered for sale. Alternatively breeders will sell the kitten with a neuter/spay contract and may withhold the registration papers until proof of altering has been provided. Both male and female kittens make excellent pets when neutered at the appropriate age.

A responsible breeder will encourage the kitten buyer to keep in touch and they will make themselves available to answer questions during the adjustment period.

For a listing of NSCC members who are currently breeding, visit our Breeder Directory



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